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The Dangers Of Homemade Tattoos

Posted on : January 7, 2015  By : Wellness

Homemade or ‘stick and poke’ tattoos seem to be a popular method of inking; particularly on a Friday night after a few too many drinks. But we’re here to tell you not to do it! There are many dangers and risks that come with this makeshift style of tattooing, and we’ve put them into a handy little blog post to try and convince you not to pick up the needle the next time you pick up the bottle…


The biggest risk of recruiting a friend to ink your skin is infection and disease. Every time you poke that needle into your skin, you deposit whatever bacterium was lying on it underneath and into your bloodstream. It’s not enough to drop the needle into alcohol in an attempt to disinfect it. Professional tattoo artists have to meet strict guidelines regarding the cleanliness of their tattoo space. They use instruments called autoclaves to disinfect their tattoo guns, and we’re going to take a wild guess that your buddy doesn’t have one of those lying around the house.

Remember that sharing needles is a risky business and can leave you with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C.

Terrible Tattoos

Letting a friend give you a tattoo can seem like a really great idea at the time, as it’s more special than paying a stranger. Chances are, you’re going to feel a lot less chummy with that friend when you wake up in the morning and see the monstrosity they’ve branded upon you! Professional artists are just that – artists. Your best friend, as wonderful as they are, is probably not.


A huge number of people who choose a homemade tattoo have to deal with it later in life. This means investing in a cover-up, alteration or tattoo removal. If you thought you would save money by having a friend do it, you’re probably going to be paying more later on anyway. There’s also no guarantee that you’ll be able to find a decent artist who wants to work on your tattoo if you have a lot of scar tissue.

Moral of the story: think before you ink. Getting a tattoo shouldn’t be a spur of the moment, drunken decision. Do your research and find a reputable artist who you trust. If this advice is coming a little too late, and you have a tattoo you would rather you didn’t, then come and see us at Apple Wellness Center where we provide laser tattoo removal in Calgary. For more information, contact us on (403) 948 3342 to speak to a member of our team.

Posted in : Laser Treatments Tattoo Removal