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Tattoo Regret

Posted on : August 1, 2013  By : Wellness

Acquiring a tattoo is a common procedure experienced by an enormous amount of people all across the globe. According to one survey conducted in 2010, 40% of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 possess a tattoo, along with 32% of the people aged between 30 and 45. However, for every person who sports a tattoo, there is also another person seeking to have one removed.

Tattoo removal services are proving to be rapidly growing businesses across the world, and ‘tattoo regret’ has been increasingly trending among those individuals who have undergone the treatment. Areas such as Australia are experiencing an especially large boom in the industry. People are reportedly paying in excess of 100 dollars a session in New South Wales in order to have their tattoos removed, with approximately 5% of these people intending to then replace their old tattoo with a new one.

Tattoo removal can often be a slow process. Getting rid of a tattoo takes far more time that it took to initially have one put in place. The process works by making use of a laser to break up the ink within the tattoo, leaving it able to then be removed by the body’s lymphatic system. Some clinics also offer a treatment option where recipients can simply have their tattoo faded. The number of treatments needed to remove a tattoo can vary according to skin type, skin colour and the level of scarring on the client. Clients who smoke heavily are particularly prone to needing several treatments due to their relatively poor circulation interfering with the removal.

It’s an unfortunate truth that not all tattoo removal services take enough care when it comes to conducting the rigours of background and safety checks. Here at the Apple Wellness Center, we recognise that coming to the conclusion that you want a tattoo to be removed isn’t an easy step to take.  Our highly experienced clinic has successfully removed thousands of tattoos since 1996, and we possess multiple state of the art laser platforms designed to ensure that all types and colours of tattoo can be removed. We also offer free consultation services to ensure you hear all the best possible information and advice before making the decision to undergo treatment. So if you’re interested in exploring tattoo removal in Airdrie, or in the larger region of Alberta, Canada, be sure to contact us today.

Posted in : Tattoo Removal