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Smile for Success

Posted on : June 25, 2013  By : Wellness

The importance of a smile can hardly be over-emphasised. Smiling makes people feel liked and we are more inclined to trust people who seem to like us and to mirror their behaviour in return. A genuine smile might help you to get your dream job, out-perform a sales team and even make new friends.  How do you achieve the perfect smile?

Canadian Business suggest practice is the key. The ‘Duchenne’ is heralded as the ideal smile: the genuine smile that makes your eyes crinkle and your face asymmetrical. It seems that what we like to see is the genuine expression not the symmetrical, controlled face. Of course, it would be marvellous if we could always bring out our most genuine smile at any given opportunity. There are, however, several things which may impede out capacity for smiling. For example, in an interview, we might be genuinely excited about a project but our nerves might get the better of us and we might have to bring out a rehearsed smile instead.

Even worse, if we are lacking in confidence about the appearance of our teeth, we may be unable to smile naturally in any number of situations. We can try some confidence-improving tricks to help but perhaps more important is the relative ease with which we can improve our teeth. Whether you have a missing tooth or are in need of a filling, the staff here at Apple Wellness Centre will be only too happy to help. Our services range from deep orthodontic treatments to cosmetic procedures such as teeth cleaning and whitening. We want people to leave our offices feeling their best so we do everything in our power to give people the boost they need to make that smile as wide as can be!

A lot of funding has gone into researching the science of smiling. Studies indicate that the benefits are manifold. Not only does a smile have a positive impact upon other people and make us more amenable to them but it also has health benefits for us too. Some studies indicate that even a polite smile can have a positive health effect whilst the power of a ‘Duchenne’ smile is uncontested: it slows the heart rate and reduces stress and can make us feel happier. The Apple Wellness Centre is interested in improving the overall wellbeing of all of our clients: let us take care of your teeth and your smile will speak for itself!

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